Global Health Landscape


These maps provide clarity around the landscape of global health organizations working across six disease areas: Malaria, Polio, Measles, NTDs, Cholera and Yellow Fever.

This work was done at the Design Institute for Health for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I led the design, development and production of these maps.


The Structure

Global entities with governing roles in major coalitions or partnerships are arranged in two rows at the top of the map. The outlined boxes below them are coalitions and partnerships, color-coded by disease focus.

Entities associated with coalitions are grouped by blocks of color. Note that some major donors with no governing roles were included in the top two rows due to their out-sized influence in a particular disease space.

Highlighting Overlaps

A large portion of work in global health is conducted in disease-specific silos. However, conditions that lead to high disease burden or exacerbate disease-related problems are often shared among diseases. When organizations function exclusively within verticals, they miss opportunities to address systems-level factors or increase efficiency through shared work. This map allows users to see when organizations overlap between disease verticals and there may be opportunities for knowledge sharing or collaboration.


Country Health System Structure

Below the coalitions there is a simplified example of a country health system for reference. This basic structure was derived from secondary research and primary research in Liberia and Ghana. Showing the country structure on the same map as the global structure, emphasizes the shared links between workstreams. While coalitions may view their work in silos apart from other coalitions, each party interacts with and functions within the same country system with the same people.


Full System Map

The full system map provides an on overview of the entire global health landscape. Especially striking is that several organizations serve governing roles in multiple coalitions, yet there are few cross-disease efforts in place.

Note that other relevant entities that do not hold governing roles are included in boxes along the sides.


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